It is widely believed that the leprosy elimination campaign has been a positive one. A comparably large consensus must now come together around the post-2005 leprosy agenda, to make sure that we do not lose the gains achieved to date or miss this unique opportunity to reach complete control of leprosy. Political, medical, or scientific disputes may have previously impeded unity among WHO and other stakeholders, but a reinforced partnership is now needed to continue the struggle to control and eradicate the disease.

"One of the most healing things we do with the leprosy-affected people of India is simply to touch them: to give them "high-fives", hugs, handshakes, and kisses. Greater than the suffering caused by their disease, is the suffering caused by society's declaring them to be untouchables. The bandages are one way we can begin to heal their social wounds. That is the secret of the healing power of the bandages that are so lovingly made by so many. The very fact that they take dozens and dozens of hours,
testifies of the love another person has for the leprosy-affected. Instead of pushing the leprosy patient aside, the bandage-makers make a personal sacrifice of time to serve them. This is the greatest value of the bandages!"